We use many different prepositions for talking about time. Here we are looking at: in, on, at,during and for.
We use in, on and at for lots of different times. Here's a table comparing the uses:
in on atMonths: in January / in April
Seasons: in spring / in winter
Years: in 1984 / in 2015
Centuries: in the 20th century
Times of day: in the morning / in the evening
Longer periods of time: in the past / in the 1990s / in the holidays
Days of the week: on Monday
Days + parts of days: on Tuesday afternoon / on Saturday mornings
Dates: on November 22nd
Special days: on my birthday / on New Year's Eve
Clock times: at 7.30 a.m. / at 5 o'clock
Festivals: at Christmas / at Easter
Exceptions: at night / at the weekend

Prepositions (movement)